Saturday, March 12, 2011

3 Strikes You're Out

      It has been a crazy week in hockey, seeing the unrest of the head shot in the forefront. After many debates, I believe the most logical way for the NHL to finally get a strangle hold on the head shot problem is a 3 strike system. This idea I have come up with was derived from the proven criminal system used in California, and also some simple psychology. If they threaten to take something from a human it’s instinct to apply every means possible to protect what they have. That being said, the best possible way for this system to be rolled out is the following: If a player is given the questionable 2 minute penalty for a head shot, he will automatically be put in front of a panel of ex NHL hockey player's with a minimum 5 years retired from the league. From there the panel will decide unanimously if the player in question was guilty of a direct head shot. For argument’s sake, we will use the most recent act resulting in a suspension, Pavel Kubina. So at this point Kubina would have received a 20 game suspension - STRIKE 1 - and the team would be responsible for a fine. Now, if Kubina gave another head shot he would earn STRIKE 2, serving an 82 game suspension (full season) as a result. At this point if Kubina returns to hockey after the 82 game suspension and delivers another head shot that would be STRIKE 3, a complete ban. That’s it. He’ll never play professional hockey again. Let’s see how fast Matt Cooke and Trevor Gillies for example, either learn their lesson or never lace up again. This plan of mine could be picked apart if common sense isn't the first thought from the people in charge. For example, will the referees be hesitant to call a penalty that will result in the player be removed from hockey? I say no. The referees will not be the determining factor, it will fall in the hands of the panel. They will be the bad, or in my eyes the good guys in the whole deal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erik Seymour
I agree with your comment 100% but there are things that need to happen first. #1 the shoulder pads need to go back to the way they used to be, these hard cap pads are really one of the main reasons there are so many head injuries #2 player...s themselves need to be a little more accountable for there head position, I'm not sure if you played hockey but the number 1 rule was keep your head up I think to many players have gone away from that because they feel they don't need to worry about and that not fair to a player coming across the middle if there is another player out of position and he gets thumped. All that aside I believe your right.

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